To Inspire, Transform & Heal

Linda Wiggen Kraft
Creativity for the Soul

Springtime Mandalas – Gardens & Sharing

Springtime Mandalas – Gardens & Sharing

Garden Mandalas

Spring is the time of nature’s mandalas. The flowers are blooming in mandala madness. Tulips, daffodils, and even earlier flowers  started the show by sharing their colors, circular centers and round shapes.


Mandalas are also seen in flowers that don’t hold an outer circular shape. They are mandalas with an invisible circle created by connecting the outer tips of the petals. A circle is formed this way. These shining star Indian Pinks, spigelia marilandica, are a galaxy of mandala stars.


Peonies with their spherical buds open to glorious blossoms. These flowers sing to the world announcing their irresistible charm.




Roses, often called the queen of the garden, open to revel their intoxicating beauty.


The  form of  a rose’s petals and center resemble the pattern of Venus as it circles our sun. Venus, named for the Roman Goddess of love and beauty, bestowed these qualities on roses. This orbital pattern of Venus around the sun intrigued astronomers for centuries. In 1609 Johannes Kepler drew the orbital dance of Venus through the heavens showing its rose shaped movements.


Sharing Mandalas

The beauty of nature and creation are always present in monthly Mandala Circles.

This beauty was there last month as we meditated in spring’s glory.  We expressed creativity about what is happening in nature and what is in our hearts and minds.

Ann created mandalas with the colors of the Ukrainian flag. With rivers of blue in a circle of yellow. The colors blended into green in different places.  And a bird shape appeared, perhaps a dove of peace.



Ann’s second mandala is a uniting of blue and yellow to create green.  Green is the color of the heart chakra.


Linda’s mandala was created on circular water color paper. Her choice of vibrant colors, spirals of hearts and inspirational words match the blossoming of spring.


My mandalas were filled with thoughts of the Ukrainian sunflower and spirals which represent journeys. The journeys of Ukrainians, and people in many other parts of the world, through the horrors of war and other injustices cuts deep into our hearts.


My second mandala was a single spiral, again a symbol of journey, as we all journey through life.


May our journeys bring peace and healing to the lives of all.

Stay safe, enjoy and create.

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