To Inspire, Transform & Heal

Linda Wiggen Kraft
Creativity for the Soul

Nature Journey – Forest Bathing & Creative Expression

  • Date: Saturday June 19, 2021
  • Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Nature Journeys – Forest Bathing* & Creative Expression.

Connect with nature and express your creativity by spending mindful time in the “tame and wild” spaces of  Forest Park. Each 3 hour nature journey includes meditation, connecting to nature and creativity exercises. Guided meditations to connect with the life of the land and quiet mindfulness time in a sit spot are two of the activities in each journey. Easy simple writing and image mark making exercises are part of this class. Part of the session is spent with others sharing experiences. A “tea ceremony” opens the journey and  closes it at the end.

Date & Time: Saturday June 19th , from 9am to 12 noon, the day before the summer solstice. CDC guidelines for social distancing and mask wearing will be followed.

COST: $35 for workshop, writing and art materials.

Dress for the weather and spending time sitting outdoors in somewhat wooded and open spaces of Forest Park. The class may need to be changed to another date and/or cancelled due to weather. Class size is limited. Please contact Linda for registration form.

*Forest Bathing is the English translation of the Japanese term “Shinrin-Yoku”. Forest bathing is mindful, easy, slow walking and sitting in a forest in silence and quiet. People “bathe” in the sights, smells and surroundings. The positive effects of relaxation and body healing have been scientifically studied and verified. In Japan there are over 40 government certified Shinrin-Yoku forests.


5595 Grand Drive
St. Louis, MO 63112

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